Tag Archives: England

The White Cliffs of Dover

div>The end of the trip was eminent…but that did not stop me from photographing the last leg of the journey – a ferry from Calais, France to Dover, England. This was quite a ferry. Luxurious to say the least. Perhaps it was our recent accommodations, but we would have happily ridden the boat back and forth all day, lounging on the couches that overlooked the water.

I wonder how many pictures I have taken on this trip of Matt drinking a beer? Well, here’s Matt drinking a beer on a BOAT.

Then I made the mistake of giving Matt my camera, which he proceeded to use nonstop for about 15 minutes, shooting nothing but me. On a boat.

He makes me laugh. On a boat.

As we got close to Dover, we were able to get some amazing views of the white cliffs. They were really beautiful.

My camera doesn’t capture it too well – but they are absolutely, wonderfully snow white. The water and sky were so blue – it was pretty incredible.

What a nice way to end such an amazing trip. On a boat.

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